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Good News for Non Danish Speakers!

                                  Miles Mushlin

        First, Ben Geutskens has translated  1934/1935 model years, as well as
        Jens B Andersen’s book, Nimbus     trying to make sense out of the
        Model C 1934 Teknik og Historie on  very detailed photographs about the
        the technical development and      oiling system, the connecting rod
        history of the 1934 Nimbus.  My    oilers, and the oil sump itself.  Well
        good friend James Richards lent me  I won’t have to use Google any
        the original Danish version years  longer, Ben took care of that.  You
        ago (I still have it, sorry James) so  don’t need to own a 1934 Nimbus
        I could study the photographs to try  to enjoy this translation.  Great Job!

                                                                              about the lubrication and electrical
                                                                              systems is also there for the taking.
                                                                              I joined the club and instantly had
                                                                              access to the details available only to
                                                                              club members.  I can see this
                                                                              website getting better and better as
                                                                              members contribute technical
                                                                              articles and their own personal
                                                                              experiences of running their Nimbus
                                                                              machines over all kinds of terrain
                                                                              and coping with on the road repairs.

                                                                                About NimOG
                                                                                The Nimbus Owners Group UK is for
                                                                                aficionados of the Nimbus, the classic
                                                                                Danish motorcycles made between
                                                                                1919 and 1960 - but specialising in the
                                                                                Model C Bumblebee, made from 1934.
                     The 1934 Nimbus C, owned by Ben Geutskens.                 Membership is free and open to all,
                                                                                whether you're a past or present
                                                                                owner or simply a fan of this wonderful
        to get a rudimentary understanding  Secondly, the UK Nimbus website     motorcycle.
        of the oddities and design mysteries is a super resource  We would like to thank all those who
        of that first model ‘C’ Nimbus.  I  for Nimbus motorcycle details,      have contribued to the NimOG
        spent countless hours on the       completely in English, and not a     website, with special thanks to:
        Google Translator trying to read the  word of Danish! RT Reich has laid  Knud Jorgensen (author of many
        factory service bulletins for the  out Nimbus information in very       technical topics on the Nimbus
        various changes during the                                              motorcycle)

            Nimbus C Model 1934                                                 Curators of the Horsens Nimbus
                  (prototype)                                                   Museum - including Ole Kristensen,
                                                                                Per Hansen, and other members of
        This website contains the English translation                           the Aarhus Nimbus Club in Denmark
        of the Danish book "Nimbus, Model C
        1934" written by Jens Bisbjerg Andersen.                                Contact Us
        The  Nimbus-C of 1934 can be regarded as                                You can email us at
        a prototype, that almost immediately after                    
        launch underwent many changes.
        The many differences in construction
        compared to later models justifies a special                          Lastly, Mr. Reich and Ben Geutskens
        issue about Nimbus-C’s first year of                                  are planning a collaboration for an
        It is in fact a book for connoisseurs!                                English translation of Knud
                                                                              Jorgensen’s book about the technical
        The translation has been executed and
        published in close cooperation with the                               development of the Nimbus.  This
        author.                            simple formats.  I found the paint  holds great promise for those of us
                                           colors listed by years and RAL     who are “Danishly” challenged, and
        The order number of the original book is
        ISBN 87 7490 327 6                 numbers to be especially helpful, as  it can only help spread the gospel of
                                           well as the various model detail   the Nimbus even further around the
        Translated by: Ben Geutskens  and David  changes year by year.  Details like  world.
                                           “Paint Lining” known to Americans
        From the website of Ben Geutskens,  as Pin Striping is covered in
                                           exacting detail, and information
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