Page 23 - SNT_7
P. 23
pleasant way to overcome Jet Lag
fatigue and be indoctrinated into
the local culture and customs.
Over the next few days we comple-
ted our route planning, and loaded
up the bikes for a few test rides.
We were all set to go. We were
gone for 6 weeks, and this was a
trip of a lifetime for me. The last
stop on this adventure was going
to my first ever Nimbus Meet on
Bornholm Island, DK.
The homely, black, brush-painted
Nimbus opened up an entire world
of friendships and adventures, still
going and growing today. The only
Nimbus failure I had on this trip
was that remote coil finally burned
out, and was replaced by a stan-
dard Nimbus coil. Finally, I didn’t
Lars-Inge, Miles and Lars in Harlösa, headed for the rest of Europe! bottom out on every bump!
they way in to be sure the needle so the planning stages
was tight, I had made the mixture were on. In early June I
too rich! Once Lars straightened sent Nimbelle over to
me out, I dialed the mixture in cor- Copenhagen via Air
rectly, and the bike ran perfectly France. She was picked
well, although about 80 KPH was up by John and brought
all that the little engine could run to his shop for a once
without feeling as though it was over, where she was
going to pop out of the frame. I granted a clean bill of
soon found out I have a military health. Then Lars picked
bike with sidecar gearing. up the machine to bring
her back to Harlosa,
In the fall of 2006, Lars told me awaiting my arrival later
about Folan Engineering’s four- in July.
speed transmission, and the
various options available. The Hen- Upon my arrival to Co-
ning special seemed to be the one penhagen, Lars picked
for me, so I sent my transmission me up, and to cure my jet
case off to JC Nimbus for a con- lag, and to be sure I stay-
version. A few months and several ed awake until official
dollars later, the transmission arri- Harlosa bedtime, I was
ved and I installed it in the bike; officially allowed to parti-
the difference was almost indescri- cipate in “Lars Day”; a
bable: it felt like a modern fire special day when every-
breathing machine! The only pro- one can be a Lars! Hence,
blem was that the plunger wore Lars, Lars-Inge and Lars-
out very quickly. A new one was “I” went fishing in the lo-
sent, which I installed with a coiled cal creek, and drank a
spring pin rather than the split beer and a glass of Uni-
spring pin, and it has been comple- com between each fish
tely trouble free ever since. catch. Eventually the
beers came between
I was working in Mexico quite a bit “nibbles” on the line. Af-
during 2007 at my company’s pro- ter several catches,
duction facility in Monterrey, but drinks, and nibbles and
my interest was still with my Nim- more drinks, the fish we
bus back in VT. It was at that time managed to catch beca-
that Lars emailed asking if I had me tangled in tree bran-
any interest in a “Euro Nimbus ches overhead. When the
Tour” later that summer. I accep- beer and Unicom were fi-
ted (permission from the company nally finished, we set off
or not, as I already had Pat’s OK), for home. This was a