Page 21 - SNT_7
P. 21

As I thought about it, this little
          homely bike seemed to be begging
          me to take it home. Please, please,
          please it begged and begged, take
          me home to Vermont!

          I thought about it and gave in, and
          asked Frank if he would kindly hold
          the Nimbus for me for 30 minutes
          while I collected the cash to buy it,
          and arranged for transport home;
          Frank agreed! When I returned 30
          minutes later, I had cash in hand,
          and to my amazement, a line of
          admirers had gathered around this
          bike, staring at “My” Nimbus! It
          was lucky timing, because that
          machine would have been gone to
          someone else. Frank was a man of
          his word, and although he could
          have gotten a higher price by the
          time I returned, he took our agre-  The arrow points out the high-tension lead from the remote coil
          ed upon price, I paid him and the
          Nimbus was mine.                   in his trailer, and watched him lea-  Not knowing a single thing about
                                             ve for Vermont. That was April,    Nimbus Motorcycles (I had certain-
           Then I asked Frank, “Does it run?”   2005.                           ly never heard of Fisker and Niel-
          Frank’s response, “It used to, when                                   sen) I decided to do a little rese-
          I first got it,” was actually the   Five months went by. The Nimbus   arch “on line” before picking up a
          beginning of a wonderful new       sat patiently in Ben’s leaky, humid,   wrench and trying to start it. Sear-
          adventure, creating my passion for   musty trailer all that time, which   ching on-line, I found a website
          the Nimbus, and best of all, highly   didn’t do it much good. In mid   entitled “Nimbus Motorcycles were
          valued friendships worldwide.      August, we were able to hitch up   built by Fisker and Nielsen of Den-
          Frank said the bike had been sit-  Pat’s horse trailer to make the trip   mark”. I enjoyed the detail there
          ting for over 20 years and I       over to Rutland to pick up the Nim-  but for some reason I needed
          thought to myself that it was a    bus. When Ben unlocked the trailer   more, so I wrote and asked the
          small detail, and a weekend of     the bike was covered with conden-  contact at “
          work would be an easy and simple   sation: soaking wet. We rolled it   “ “Dear sir, I have just bought a
          fix. I made a similar mistake with a   out of Ben’s trailer and into ours. I   Nimbus motorcycle, and I wonde-
          player piano once; nothing could   looked it over, and wiped it down;   red if a parts manual might be
          have been farther from the truth!   at least no major rust had set in   available”…
                                             yet. Soon we were off to Hartland,
          I pushed the black Nimbus over to   Nimbelle’s new home.              Next day, I received a dozen pages
          Ben’s booth, helped him load it up                                    of email from a Mr. Lars Persson
                                                                                about all the ins and outs of
                                                                                waking up a dead Nimbus, starting
                                                                                procedures and specifications: plus
                                                                                he mailed me an official JC Nimbus
                                                                                parts manual that arrived 10 days
                                                                                later. That tiny, hard to read
                                                                                manual became my bible as Lars
                                                                                and I worked on that Nimbus over
                                                                                daily e-mails. He “held my hand”
                                                                                through each and every disas-
                                                                                sembly, and guided me through
                                                                                every process and procedure
                                                                                necessary to bring that very dead
                                                                                bike back to life.

                                                                                As with all old bikes, we had our
                                                                                share of surprises. Lars kept insis-
                                                                                ting that the conrod halves had
                                                                                shims in between them for adjus-
                                                                                ting the clearance, and I kept tel-
                                                                                ling him mine did not. We finally
                                                                                realized mine had been converted
                                                                                to shell type, modern con rod

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