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A Story about my Nimbus

                                                    Miles Mushlin

        I’ve owned my 1953 Military Nim-    proud that I could just walk around   ser at its construction. I judged it
        bus, named “Nimbelle” for eight     Oley and “appreciate” the parts    useless to me, and moved on.
        years. I was formerly an Indian     and machines, having no means to
        guy. I had restored two Chiefs and   buy them or take them home. It    About a half hour went by and I
        a sidecar, and frequently went to   felt good not to be tempted.       was drawn back to the Nimbus.
        swap meets in an attempt to dig                                        Each time I circled around it I
        out the hard to find parts at reaso-  The Oley meet ran Friday through   became more intrigued, by virtue
        nable prices. The meet I enjoyed    Sunday, and early on Sunday mor-   of its unique and apparent high
        the most is the AMCA (Antique       ning we came upon a Harley ven-    quality construction. It appeared to
        Motorcycle Club of America) meet    dor named Frank Digenero. I did    be mostly original, (or so I thought
        in Oley, Pennsylvania, which occurs   not own a Harley, but Frank also   at the time) save for the paint job.
        early in April. In years past, I had   had some really hard to find origi-  I found my friend Peter, and told
        seen a few Nimbus motorcycles at    nal Indian parts I could admire.   him about it, and he commented
        this meet, and my son, Zeb, was     Often, Harley guys have no inte-   that my son Zeb had admired them
        always enthusiastic about them as   rest in Indian stuff, and if they do   for years so why not get serious
        a more reasonably priced alter-     have Indian parts, they may not be   about this one? I reminded Peter
        native to an Indian Four, but for   as highly valued or as expensive as   that I had no cash and no way to
        me they held no interest.           what the Indian part vendors       get it home. No worries: our
                                            would charge. Being a real bottom   friend, Ben, owner of ‘C&D Chop-
        In 2005, I traveled to Oley with my   feeder, I was snooping around    per” in Rutland, VT, was at Oley,
        good friend, Peter. I purposely     Frank’s stuff in hopes of finding an   and we were sure he would gene-
        took no cash, and drove there in a   Indian “prize”. I had no luck fin-  rously offer to lend me the money,
        small (by American standards) car,   ding Indian bargains; what I did   and arrange space in his truck hea-
        as my collections of “hard to find   find in all that stuff was a homely   ding back to Vermont in a few
        parts at reasonable prices” was big   black Nimbus, with a downright   hours. This really could be done!
        enough. I felt I needed a self-     ugly “brush” paint job. I walked   BUT, are we kidding here? I didn’t
        imposed restriction…. a kind of     around it a few times, and with    need a Nimbus, I was an Indian
        motorcycle parts “diet”. I was      each circle I looked closer and clo-  guy!

        As found in 2005.

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