Page 19 - SNT_12
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Fyn apart from sheltering under a wheels which were taken to a
bridge in a heavy rainstorm, but motorcycle dealer/workshop and
after it was gone we rode off on duly measured and the appropriate
the motorway sitting at between paperwork completed wheels
80 and 90 km/h and all was going back on again and away to the
well to just south of Horsens when testing authority to find that
Damen lost power and died. For- Damen had not been entered with
tunately it was just outside an an id certification number (17
emergency telephone, so we were digits) on her entry into NZ. This
saved, we thought. The phone was on 20 Dec so it was unlikely to
didnt work!! Thanks heaven for have her on the road for Xmas as a
cell phones and in no time our dispensation had to be processed
friends were on the scene with a with all the red tape attached. So,
trailer and we were rescued. The Here She is!! back home in the garage again,
symptoms when kicking Damen waiting
in the guts indicated the head What a joy that all was intact and
gasket was blown, so on our safe. So now onto getting Damen However this gave me time to give
return to Odense, Damen blev de- ready for the roads, but first job Damen a few cosmetic touch ups..
registered, completely cleaned, was to sort out the head gasket. sorry about the phrase! It included
petrol drained together with the
engine oil and battery removed
ready for emigration which had
been arranged through ADAM a
firm we had used six years pre-
viously to forward furniture and
items from my mothers estate.
And, you wouldnt believe it, when
I phoned ADAM and was put
through to their export section I
spoke to the same lady, Bente
Stockholm who we had been dea-
ling with previously. She was on
the case immediately and in no
time had a quote which we accep-
It was now time to say good bye
to Damen and take her to ADAMs
depot in Odense together with a
few bits also required in NZ , so
she was loaded into a horse trans-
porter, like an animal, and dropped
off on her first leg to NZ, next she
would go to Copenhagen to be
crated up before being trucked to The cylinder head.
Antwerpen in a container and then
shipped on Santa Rebecca a con-
tainer ship bound for the Panama A good clean up to remove the replacing most of her bolts with
Canal and onto NZ where on 15 carbon build up and a new gasket stainless one as the originals were
November She arrived in Auck- had Damen going again, but it starting to show their age.
land, to be forwarded by road to was not without some nervous
Christchurch. Having had advan- moments as one of the head bolts New Year 2014 came as did 20
ced notice and document of broke when removing the head. It January when I was told the paper-
Damens arrival I had been to was most difficult to remove the work was now completed, so off
Customs and MPI to clear duty and broken stump in the block, but Damen went as you can see
inspection arragements and it all with a friends help and a gas cutter below
fell into place and we could go and we managed to get the rest of the
pick up the crate with Damen bolt out without causing any Well, at long last She flew
asleep inside! So, on 20 November damage. through the test, a bit more in
2013 we hooked the trailer on and depth than in Denmark,
.but of
went 160km to Christchurch to Up end running again, Damen course they had never seen a
uplift Damen which went rela- was ready to be registered, but machine like this before so were
tively easy. The crate had ben first she would have to have the very interested.
broken open for inspection and we brakes measured for wear, a NZ
had a peep at Damen and she Ministry of Transport requirement. Have now been on the road for a
looked happy! So, off with the front and rear couple of months and enjoying