Page 15 - SNT_24
P. 15

Carl, to Norway, Maine to pick up the  She    said I would need to import pa-  think it’s the only Nimbus, that officially
        Nimbus. I brought it down to William-  pers for the Motorcycle!         “arrived” by passenger plane
        stown and visited a mechanic I knew. He
        rigged a fuel line to it and we cleaned  I called the customs office in Albany and  I have just picked up the rig from Miles
        the sparkplugs and carburetor; it start-  we set up a time to get the paperwork in  Mushlin in Vermont. As far as I know,
        ed after three kicks! Talk about reliabili-  order. When I arrived at customs, I told  Miles is the only Nimbus mechanic in
        ty! I think it may have been in Lars’ barn  them the story of how I came to Port-  the states, and an excellent one at that.
        for almost 30 years while I was away at  land. There were many understanding  He fixes these bikes as a hobby. He has
        sea. I took apart the machine, sanded it  nods around the room and lots of laugh-  renovated the motor; now the bike has a
        to shining steel, and painted it the color  ter. I was then asked when I had entered  new life and runs like a clock, or rather,
        scheme it has today. A friend of mine  the US most recently, and the papers I  like a Nimbus.
        from Sweden came over and we had a  needed were stamped with that date. I
        very good time putting it back together,
        it ran but it was not yet registered.

        I then went to the Registry of Motor Ve-
        hicles (RMV), who handles registration
        here in the States. I explained that it was
        not a Harley Davidson, or an interesting
        model of any other bike they might
        know, it was a Nimbus. I almost had eve-
        rything done; the plates were on the
        counter and I had all the signatures I
        needed.  Then the woman assisting me
        remarked, “I cannot find that make of
        motorcycle in the computer, you have to
        wait until it is set up in Boston”; she took
        the plates off the counter with one quick
        swipe. I was disheartened (not an un-
        common way to feel at the RMV I think).

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