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The Intergalactic Nimbus Club
                             A club for YOU - wherever (or whatever) you are.

                                                   Patrice L. Mushlin

          The Intergalactic Nimbus Club                                              dog, RADAR, were very popu-
          made its debut at the 40  Annual                                           lar.  Radar chose to omit the
          DNT Nimbus Rally in Holbaek, DK.                                           “c” in Intergalactic due to lac-
          The club was represented by two                                            tose intolerance issues and a
          officers of the Vermont Chapter:                                           fear the “lactic” might also be
          Patrice L. Mushlin,  President and                                         construed as favoring “The
          Grand Vizier , and Miles Mushlin                                           Milky Way”.  To date, only one
          CEO  (Chief Engineering Officer).                                          Intergalactic member has
                                                                                     noticed the missing “c”.  Since
                                                                                     we are confident that current
                                                                                     Aliens haven’t  noticed either,
                                                                                     future printings will include
                                             The T-shirts, designed by the           “the missing c”.
                                             Mushlin family and edited by their

          “Intergalatic” T- shirts were pre-
          sented to Honorary Members from
          both Denmark and Sweden.

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